Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Reflective Journal No. 6: The Boy Named Crow

           The Storm is You.

          "And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is for certain. When you come out of the storm, YOU WON'T BE THE SAME PERSON WHO WALKED IN. That's what this storm is all about. "
(Kafka on the Shore: The boy named Crow)

Who is the author behind Kafka on the Shore?

Born January 12, 1949, Kyōto,Japan, the most widely translated Japanese novelist of his generation.


                  Murakami’s first novel, Kaze no uta o kike (1979; Hear the Wind Sing; film 1980), won a prize for best fiction by a new writer. From the start his writing was characterized by images and events that the author himself found difficult to explain but which seemed to come from the inner recesses of his memory. Some argued that this ambiguity, far from being off-putting, was one reason for his popularity with readers, especially young ones, who were bored with the self-confessions that formed the mainstream of contemporary Japanese Literature. His perceived lack of a political or intellectual stance irritated “serious” authors, who dismissed his early writings as being no more than entertainment.
                 Murakami then published 1973-nen no pinbōru (1980; Pinball, 1973) and Hitsuji o meguru bōken (1982; A Wild Sheep Chase), novels that feature the narrator of Hear the Wind Sing and his friend, known as “the Rat.” Those first three novels constituted a loose trilogy. A Wild Sheep Chase became his first major international success. Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball, 1973, which had previously been translated into English in a limited run, were reissued in English as Wind/Pinball in 2015. The narrator and the Rat also appeared in Murakami’s next important novel,Sekai no owari to hādoboirudo wandārando (1985; Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World), a fantasy that was successful with the public and won the prestigious Tanizaki Price Murakami adopted a more straightforward style for the coming-of-age novel Noruwei no mori (1987; Norwegian Wood; film 2010), which sold millions of copies in Japan and firmly established him as a literary celebrity. He then returned to the bizarre milieu of his earlier trilogy with Dansu Dansu Dansu (1988; Dance Dance Dance).  


                                             The Boy Named Crow


                Kafka was never been close to his dad and it is enough reason for him to come up for a decision of running away from home. He's up to finally run away when he saw the boy named Crow at the office of his dad. Crow asked him how much money will he need and he answered Y400,000. He taught Crow will make his escape plan easier but he expected wrong.

               Crow asked him a lot of questions about Kafka's plan after finally running away and Kafka felt silent. Crow made Kafka see that he is only 15 years old and it seems impossible for him to live without the support from his Dad. But Kafka is really eager for independence, so he disregard the what if's that Crow made him see.

         Reflective Journal # 6: The Boy Named Crow

                               Better Version of Myself

                      I always asked, why does life has to be so hard? Why do I have to experience struggles and problems? And when will this problem stop? But, after reading "The Boy Named Crow", one thing was inculcated in my mind: Challenges and problems are the point of life and why I am still living.

                    The character of Kafka made me see my 11-years old self when I also once planned to run away from home because I had enough with the problems in my family. I once taught that maybe if I am away from my chaotic family, I will be fine. And remembering that day, I thanked my old self that she chose to stay and faced the problem. Because now, I am alright and everything is good. Even though Kafka's and my 11-years old self's decision was different, the point of Crow in the story where he said that fate is you. I learned that fate will always depend on him you will make your decision, because at the end of the day, it's you who will still matters.

                    The advice of Crow about life being a sandstorm inspired me a lot to face my problems instead of running away from it. Because like what Crows had said, once the problems are over , you will never remember how you survived , but one thing is for sure, you are not the same person again. And with that, I will faced the conflicts that will come my way like what my 11-years old self did, because I wanted to learn and be a better version of myself.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Reflective Journal No.5: A Thousand Splendid Suns

         On Her Way

                 Every women differs from the qualities they possessed. These qualities are the things that makes them a unique and special individuals. However, majority of women didn't see how special and beautiful they are because they focus too much with their insecurities and imperfections.

                 The story of "A Thousand Splendid Suns" narrates the story of Mariam, a muslim woman, who see herself low compare to other females in this world. This story makes everyone realized how every woman is beautiful with her own way.

Who is the author behind "A Thousand Splendid Suns"?


Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. His father was a diplomat in the Afghan Foreign Ministry and his mother taught Farsi and history at a high school in Kabul.

In March 2001, while practicing medicine, Hosseini began writing his first novel, The Kite Runner. Published by River head Books in 2003, that debut went on to become an international bestseller and beloved classic, sold in at least seventy countries and spending more than a hundred weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. In May 2007, his second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, remaining in that spot for fifteen weeks and nearly an entire year on the bestseller list. Together, the two books have sold more than 10 million copies in the United States and more than 38 million copies worldwide. The Kite Runner was adapted into a graphic novel of the same name in 2011. Hosseini’s much-awaited third novel, And the Mountains Echoed, will be published on May 21, 2013.

A Thousand Splendid Sunsby Khaled Hosseini


           Mariam and Rasheed are newly married couple and it is also the first time, Mariam wear a burqa. It is a weird feeling for Mariam. The couple went to a park and while walking she kept on stepping on the hem of her burqa. Next, Rasheed bring Mariam in a Kebab house, and it is also the first time she has been on a restaurant like that. However, she is thankful with her husband's presence and the burqa she is wearing because she somehow found comfort from it. With their little strolling down, Mariam notices the different types of women. Those types of women made Mariam feel low about herself.

What did I learned after reading "A thousand Splendid 


Reflective Journal # 5: A Thousand Splendid Suns

                             Special As You Are

                     Every woman got their own insecurities and doubts about herself. It's the things that makes their self confidence stooped down. However, these insecurities are influenced by the standards of our society and the culture they exercised to do. This situation are mainly for the Islam women.

                   After reading the story of "A Thousand Splendid Suns", realizations hit my mind. First, is how Muslim people suffer from discrimination of society because they are being blamed for the terrorism. When in fact, terrorism is only caused by small group of rebels who just happened to be Muslims.

                 Another realization that I had is how Muslim women are being abused with the Muslim's culture that their husbands are allowed to have multiple wives. In my opinion, even though women are meant to be submissive with men, they still have the right to be love with fidelity even the Muslim women.

                 Lastly, the novel made me see that appreciation will always start with you. Therefore, as a lady, you must see your own beauty first, before others appreciate you. You must also not compare yourself with other women because God created you differently and you are meant to be special as you are.

Reflective Journal No.4: The Valley of Amazement

                 YOUR SELF..

               Being true to ourselves is a hard thing to do because of our own insecurities. It is a challenge to accept our flaws and weird things about us. However, these weird and random things that we experienced and done are the things that make us unique from others.
                The novel "The Valley of Amazement" is an eye opener for the society that being odd is something that makes you beautiful.

Who is the author behind "The Valley of Amazement"?

           Amy Tan

                Amy Tan (born February 19, 1952) is an American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships and theChinese-American experience. Her best-known work is The Joy Luck Club, which has been translated into 25 languages. In 1993, the book was adapted into a commercially successful film.
               Tan has written several other bestselling novels, including The Kitchen God's WifeThe Hundred Secret SensesThe Bonesetter's DaughterSaving Fish from Drowning and The Valley of Amazement. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. In addition to these, Tan has written two children's books: The Moon Lady (1992) and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994), which was turned into an animated series which aired on PBS.

The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan


                Lulu was born with extra pinkies on both her hands. It is different from the others but Lulu accepted it. However, her parents who make decision with logic and reasoning doesn't wanted it. When Lulu tried to study piano, her piano teacher recommended to her parents to remove her surplus fingers because there is no piano piece for 12 finger. The operation happened and Lulu's deformities gone. But together with her extra fingers, the old Lulu gone. She became a distant and shy type of person. From this, she will become Lucia and will make decisions that never do any good to her.

What did I learned after reading "The Valley of 



                                                      BEST REASON

                    Defying standards is a major issue of our society as Asians. If someone became odd, judgements will rise. So, we chosed to go with the flow even if it is againts our will.
                    After reading "The Valley of Amazement", I learned how Asian's and American's culture differ when it comes to physical appearance. Asians areore insicure with their physical appearance compare to Americans.
                   Another thing that I learned from the novel is the essence of true beauty. Beauty is not based on the physical aspects of an individual, it is shown on how the beholder see his/her own beauty. Therefore, we shall learn to accept the imperfections and weird things that makes us beautiful.
                  The last thing that I realized after reading the novel, is how our childhood experiences can affect our present and future version of us.
No matter what happen in our life, we still have the final say on how it will goes. And for us to choose the right choice, we shall know ourselves completely. Because, it is the thing that can give us the best reason to smile and be happy during our journey.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Reflective Journal No.3: The Folded Earth


             Love, LOVE, Love

                  Love is the most powerful emotion an individual has. It can make you do some crazy things that you never knew you could. It could make ypu defied values, you never imagined you can let go of. And it can make you whole again after a tragic past.
                                                                                        The novel "The Folded Earth" by Anuradha Roy conveys how love, sacrifice and survival can make someone's life meaningful and worth living for.

Who is the Author behind "The Folded Earth"?

               Anuradha Roy

             Roy’s first book, An Atlas of Impossible Longing, was released in 2008 and was translated in 15 languages across the world. It was also named by World Literature Today as one of the 60 essential English language works of modern Indian literature.
            Her 2nd novel, The Folded Earth, won the Economist Crossword Prize for Fiction in 2012 and was long-listed for the Man Asian Literary Prize.
            And now, her third novel, Sleeping on Jupiter, has been long-listed for Man Booker Prize, 2015.

The Folded Earthby: Anuradha Roy


                Maya is a daughter of a rich owner of pickle factory and she fell in love with a man named Michael. Their relationship was hindered by their families because of their different religions, Maya is a Hindu while Michael is a Christian. However, the couple defied their families and chose to be with each other.
               Their marriage life started so well and happy. But Michael's work and passion for mountain trecking test their relationship. On the other hand, Maya tried to understand everything but she didn't able to keep quiet when Michael's next mountaineering expedition is on Himalayas, a very dangerous track for trecking. She tried to make Michael's mind change but she failed. And Michael still continued the trecking leaving a promise to Maya that he will come back safe. But Michael's promise was not made because he died on the expedition. And Maya was left broken and alone.

What did I learned after reading "The Folded Earth"?



                              POWER OF LOVE

                   The novel "The Folded Earth" is an inspiring book of moving on and recreating yourself. It perfectly conveyed how loosing someone whose dear to you can really alter everything in your life.
After reading the novel, I realized how death can come unexpectedly. No one will ever be ready from it. Therefore, there is no harm on being sorrowful.
                  Even though, I haven't yet experienced loosing someone whose really dear to me, the novel made me feel how tragic it is to be on Maya's position. I also realized how complex moving on is.
                  Another thing that I learned from the novel is how complicated it is to recreate yourself after a tragic past. I also realized that, even though, you've been able to surpass moving on, when you've already hurt, you will never be the same person again. It is either you will completely lost yourself or you will be a better version of you.
                 However, the best learning I got from the novel is how powerful love could be. Love can make you decide without using your logic or reasoning. Love can hurt you in the worst way you will never imagined. And love can mend and complete you as an individual after a tragic and painful past

Reflective Journal No.2: A Low Art


            Literary works from Greece mainly focused on the epics or myths about Gods and heroes. One of the greek authors that was known by the world is Homer because of his work "The Odyssey". This epic poem is all about the fancy adventures of Odysseus.

                 However, Homer's "The Odyssey" was criticized because of its obvious gender stereotyping.
The retelling of "The Odyssey" from Penelope's perspective was written by Margaret Atwood titled "A Low Art" proved how Homer focused on Odysseus' character only.

Who is the author behind "A Low Art" ?


         Margaret Eleanor Atwood, CC OOnt FRSC is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, and environmental activist. 
BORN: November 18, 1939 (age 76), Ottawa, Canada
INFLUENCED BY: William Shakespear
AWARDS: Man Booker Prize 
          Margaret Atwood is one of today's leading fiction writers. She studied at the University of Toronto and Radcliffe College, becoming a lecturer in English literature. Her first published work was a collection of poems entitled The Circle Game (1966), which won the Governor-General's Award.

A Low Art by Margaret Atwood


                Majority of the Greece's population knows the mythical narration of Odysseus' fancy and heroic adventures through Homer's "The Odyssey" ---- the version that made everyone believes that Penelope was the bad guy.
               However, "A Low Art", through Penelope's perspective discussed how Odysseus, her husband, made a fool out of her by the versions of narrations about their relationship. Penelope narrates how great Odysseus in making fools for making people believe with his versions of events. Penelope's agony and pain was shown by "A Low Art" with her version of story--- keeping a blind eye to achieve her happy ending. And her little story making is somehow to clear her side.



                                       "THE ART OF STORY TELLING"

                In telling a story, if the majority believed you, therefore your statement is true while, if minority is on your side, you are telling lies. However, "A Low Art" proved that a story can either be true or not based on how the majority will acknowledge it.
                "A Low Art" is a tale that made me see how a story can be altered through the change of point of view. Majority of the people that read Homer's Odyssey believed that Penelope betrayed her husband. In contrary with that, these people will change their mind if they will read "A Low Art". Just like what happened with me, I once thought that Odysseus was the victim but because of " A Low Art", I figured out that Penelope is the true victim of betrayal.
               Somehow, I admired Penelope's sacrifice just to keep their marriage work. She doesn't entertain other's opinion about her being a fool for still staying with her husband. That chpice is something not all can bear to do.
              In conclusion, "A Low Art" teaches me as a female, to take a stand for something I know right. I have to tell my own version of story because silence can sometimes worsens the situation.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Reflective Journal: Malinche

We are Powerful!

         As humans, we are the best creation of God for we are gifted with intellect, free will and most of all, the ability of speaking to express ourselves. We can say what we think, we can tell what we prefer and we can utter words if we are happy or sad. But do we really know how powerful we are just by the mere fact that we can speak?

One of the famous woman in the world's history, Malinche or Doña Marina proved how words can change our lives and how our ability to speak can make us survived the obstacles of life.

A Traitor (Doña Marina) or A Victim (Mallinali)?

Who is Malinche?
           Mallinali was once a slave of a Maya Lord, Postecarro, before she was offered to the Spanish Conquistador together with 19 other slaves. Mallinali was named Malinche which means "The Tounge" by her new master, Hernan Cortes, for being an interpreter of Spanish language to Nahuatl and vice versa. She was soon baptized as Doña Marina, her christian name. Mallinali became the translator, negotiation, and cultural mediator between the Spaniards and the Aztecs. She also became Cortes' lover and she gave birth to the first latin american, Martin Cortes.

           The life of Mallinali is not chronologically documented but it was believed that she received formal education when she was a child and experienced abandonment and slavery. She endured difficult days in her life; the massacre of indigenous people in Cholula, conquest of Spaniards and witnessed the deaths of hundreds.
          Amidst the power of being "The Tounge",Mallinali died young--- probably not more than 25 years old.
          And now, she was being considered either a traitor, fir helping the Spaniards in conquering Mexico and being the lover pf Cortes, or a victim of culture and tradition, for she was just forced to be the interpreter of Cortes because she was just a slave and she was trap in a situation when she was left with no choice.

Who is the author behind Malinche?

      Malinche is a mexican literature written by Laura Esquivel who is an award winning author and writer for her novel Like Water for Chocolate.

   Mexican writer and author. Born on September 30, 1950, in Mexico City, Mexico. Esquivel began writing while working as a kindergarten teacher. She wrote plays for her students and then went on to write children's television programs during the 1970s and 1980s.
      Esquivel often explores the relationship between men and women in Mexico in her work. She is best known for Like Water for Chocolate (1990), an imaginative and compelling combination of novel and cookbook. It had been released in Mexico a year earlier. After the release of the film version in 1992,Like Water for Chocolate became internationally known and loved. The book has sold more than 4.5 million copies.
        Esquivel has continued to show her creative flair and lyrical style in her later work. Accompanied by a collection of music, her second novel The Law of Love (1996) combined romance and science fiction. Between the Fires (2000) featured essays on life, love, and food. Her novel, Malinche (2006), explores the life of a near mythic figure in Mexican history-the woman who served as Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés's interpreter and mistress.

MALINCHE by Laura Esquivel


              It was believed by the Aztecs that someday their God, Quetzalcoatl, could come back to their land in the form of white man and they thought it was Hernan Cortes. So, when the group of Cortes found the land of Mexico, they easily conquered the land. During the conquest, Hernan Cortes only understand Spanish and not the native language of the Aztecs, Nahuatl. So, Cortes trusted the translation and counsel of a woman named Mallinali. Amidst the big difference between their societal stand and culture, Cortes and Mallinali learned to love each other. Due to that, majority of Mexicans considered Mallinali or Malinche to be both a traitor and temptress.

What did I learn after reading Malinche?

Reflective Journal # 1 

Words: Finest Weapon of Survival

         Malinche is a mexican piece of literature written by Laura Esquivel that proves how powerful our words can be. This written work conveys that words could be the finest of weapon of an individual to survive in this world. Malinche also known as Mallinali leave a legacy in world's history that whoever controls the information will acquire the greatest power.

        After reading the story, "Malinche", I realized how words can give such an individual the dominancy over a certain situation. Just like how Mallinali, being considered as "The Tounge" or interpreter of a rich Spanish merchant, Hernan Cortez, being able to surpass and rise above te issue of slavery of their culture during their time. Malinche's character also proved that being in charged or being powerful will not always come from the high class society, because if an individual got the capacity and abilities to lead, he/she can always take the prestige of being dominant and powerful. Malinche also serves as an eye opener for its readers on how religion of a certain group of people differs from the religion of another group of people. As a catholic, Hernan Cortes' belief about God differs on the religious belief of Mallinali as an Aztec. Therefore, there's a big boundary on their culture but Mallinali and Cortes still became lovers amidst that boundary. This turn of events between Mallinali and Cortes proved that at the end of the day, we will still want what we want, we will still believe what we want to believe and we can't change other's perspective towards religion, so mind as well, just respect with others's faith and opinion. Lastly, I can not see why Mallinali was considered by some Mexicans as a traitor when in fact she was just bounded by the situation and culture of slavery during her time, that was why she became the translator of Cortes. So, my question, why did all the blame regarding the Spaniard's colonization in Mexico was pointed to Mallinali?

           As a human, we got the finest weapon of survival among all God's creation, and that is the ability to speak and utter words to express ourselves. Therefore, we should learn how to use this capability in the best way we can. We should learn to use the right words, the ones that were necessary. Because our words can either make a positive outcome or an unexpected disaster.