Friday, September 30, 2016

Reflective Journal No.3: The Folded Earth


             Love, LOVE, Love

                  Love is the most powerful emotion an individual has. It can make you do some crazy things that you never knew you could. It could make ypu defied values, you never imagined you can let go of. And it can make you whole again after a tragic past.
                                                                                        The novel "The Folded Earth" by Anuradha Roy conveys how love, sacrifice and survival can make someone's life meaningful and worth living for.

Who is the Author behind "The Folded Earth"?

               Anuradha Roy

             Roy’s first book, An Atlas of Impossible Longing, was released in 2008 and was translated in 15 languages across the world. It was also named by World Literature Today as one of the 60 essential English language works of modern Indian literature.
            Her 2nd novel, The Folded Earth, won the Economist Crossword Prize for Fiction in 2012 and was long-listed for the Man Asian Literary Prize.
            And now, her third novel, Sleeping on Jupiter, has been long-listed for Man Booker Prize, 2015.

The Folded Earthby: Anuradha Roy


                Maya is a daughter of a rich owner of pickle factory and she fell in love with a man named Michael. Their relationship was hindered by their families because of their different religions, Maya is a Hindu while Michael is a Christian. However, the couple defied their families and chose to be with each other.
               Their marriage life started so well and happy. But Michael's work and passion for mountain trecking test their relationship. On the other hand, Maya tried to understand everything but she didn't able to keep quiet when Michael's next mountaineering expedition is on Himalayas, a very dangerous track for trecking. She tried to make Michael's mind change but she failed. And Michael still continued the trecking leaving a promise to Maya that he will come back safe. But Michael's promise was not made because he died on the expedition. And Maya was left broken and alone.

What did I learned after reading "The Folded Earth"?



                              POWER OF LOVE

                   The novel "The Folded Earth" is an inspiring book of moving on and recreating yourself. It perfectly conveyed how loosing someone whose dear to you can really alter everything in your life.
After reading the novel, I realized how death can come unexpectedly. No one will ever be ready from it. Therefore, there is no harm on being sorrowful.
                  Even though, I haven't yet experienced loosing someone whose really dear to me, the novel made me feel how tragic it is to be on Maya's position. I also realized how complex moving on is.
                  Another thing that I learned from the novel is how complicated it is to recreate yourself after a tragic past. I also realized that, even though, you've been able to surpass moving on, when you've already hurt, you will never be the same person again. It is either you will completely lost yourself or you will be a better version of you.
                 However, the best learning I got from the novel is how powerful love could be. Love can make you decide without using your logic or reasoning. Love can hurt you in the worst way you will never imagined. And love can mend and complete you as an individual after a tragic and painful past