Friday, September 30, 2016

Reflective Journal No.2: A Low Art


            Literary works from Greece mainly focused on the epics or myths about Gods and heroes. One of the greek authors that was known by the world is Homer because of his work "The Odyssey". This epic poem is all about the fancy adventures of Odysseus.

                 However, Homer's "The Odyssey" was criticized because of its obvious gender stereotyping.
The retelling of "The Odyssey" from Penelope's perspective was written by Margaret Atwood titled "A Low Art" proved how Homer focused on Odysseus' character only.

Who is the author behind "A Low Art" ?


         Margaret Eleanor Atwood, CC OOnt FRSC is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, and environmental activist. 
BORN: November 18, 1939 (age 76), Ottawa, Canada
INFLUENCED BY: William Shakespear
AWARDS: Man Booker Prize 
          Margaret Atwood is one of today's leading fiction writers. She studied at the University of Toronto and Radcliffe College, becoming a lecturer in English literature. Her first published work was a collection of poems entitled The Circle Game (1966), which won the Governor-General's Award.

A Low Art by Margaret Atwood


                Majority of the Greece's population knows the mythical narration of Odysseus' fancy and heroic adventures through Homer's "The Odyssey" ---- the version that made everyone believes that Penelope was the bad guy.
               However, "A Low Art", through Penelope's perspective discussed how Odysseus, her husband, made a fool out of her by the versions of narrations about their relationship. Penelope narrates how great Odysseus in making fools for making people believe with his versions of events. Penelope's agony and pain was shown by "A Low Art" with her version of story--- keeping a blind eye to achieve her happy ending. And her little story making is somehow to clear her side.



                                       "THE ART OF STORY TELLING"

                In telling a story, if the majority believed you, therefore your statement is true while, if minority is on your side, you are telling lies. However, "A Low Art" proved that a story can either be true or not based on how the majority will acknowledge it.
                "A Low Art" is a tale that made me see how a story can be altered through the change of point of view. Majority of the people that read Homer's Odyssey believed that Penelope betrayed her husband. In contrary with that, these people will change their mind if they will read "A Low Art". Just like what happened with me, I once thought that Odysseus was the victim but because of " A Low Art", I figured out that Penelope is the true victim of betrayal.
               Somehow, I admired Penelope's sacrifice just to keep their marriage work. She doesn't entertain other's opinion about her being a fool for still staying with her husband. That chpice is something not all can bear to do.
              In conclusion, "A Low Art" teaches me as a female, to take a stand for something I know right. I have to tell my own version of story because silence can sometimes worsens the situation.

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