Saturday, October 1, 2016

Reflective Journal No.4: The Valley of Amazement

                 YOUR SELF..

               Being true to ourselves is a hard thing to do because of our own insecurities. It is a challenge to accept our flaws and weird things about us. However, these weird and random things that we experienced and done are the things that make us unique from others.
                The novel "The Valley of Amazement" is an eye opener for the society that being odd is something that makes you beautiful.

Who is the author behind "The Valley of Amazement"?

           Amy Tan

                Amy Tan (born February 19, 1952) is an American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships and theChinese-American experience. Her best-known work is The Joy Luck Club, which has been translated into 25 languages. In 1993, the book was adapted into a commercially successful film.
               Tan has written several other bestselling novels, including The Kitchen God's WifeThe Hundred Secret SensesThe Bonesetter's DaughterSaving Fish from Drowning and The Valley of Amazement. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. In addition to these, Tan has written two children's books: The Moon Lady (1992) and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994), which was turned into an animated series which aired on PBS.

The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan


                Lulu was born with extra pinkies on both her hands. It is different from the others but Lulu accepted it. However, her parents who make decision with logic and reasoning doesn't wanted it. When Lulu tried to study piano, her piano teacher recommended to her parents to remove her surplus fingers because there is no piano piece for 12 finger. The operation happened and Lulu's deformities gone. But together with her extra fingers, the old Lulu gone. She became a distant and shy type of person. From this, she will become Lucia and will make decisions that never do any good to her.

What did I learned after reading "The Valley of 



                                                      BEST REASON

                    Defying standards is a major issue of our society as Asians. If someone became odd, judgements will rise. So, we chosed to go with the flow even if it is againts our will.
                    After reading "The Valley of Amazement", I learned how Asian's and American's culture differ when it comes to physical appearance. Asians areore insicure with their physical appearance compare to Americans.
                   Another thing that I learned from the novel is the essence of true beauty. Beauty is not based on the physical aspects of an individual, it is shown on how the beholder see his/her own beauty. Therefore, we shall learn to accept the imperfections and weird things that makes us beautiful.
                  The last thing that I realized after reading the novel, is how our childhood experiences can affect our present and future version of us.
No matter what happen in our life, we still have the final say on how it will goes. And for us to choose the right choice, we shall know ourselves completely. Because, it is the thing that can give us the best reason to smile and be happy during our journey.

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